Erin Dlabola

Data Curator

I provide data and information management from documentation and metadata to data preservation, sharing, publishing, and archiving. I have experience in a variety of fields, including geology, marine science, ecology, and wildlife biology. Knowledge preservation and legacy data rescue at the intersection of science and history are also special interests of mine.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2510-9948




Interdisciplinary Data Scientist
U.S. Geological Survey Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
2023 - 2024

Data Management Specialist
U.S. Geological Survey Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
2021 - 2023

Biological Technician
U.S. Geological Survey Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
2019 - 2021

Project Coordinator (Volunteer)
Victoria Bird Strike Initiative
2018 - 2022

Research Assistant
University of Victoria Anthropology Department

Visiting Research Scientist
Geological Survey of Canada Pacific Geoscience Center


Graduate Certificate, Geographic Information Science (GIS)
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
2019 – 2020

Master of Science (MSc), Marine Science
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
2012 – 2014

Bachelor of Science (BSc), Geology
Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA, USA
2007 – 2011

Data Releases

Scully, RA, Dlabola, EK, Heaston, ED, Bayer, JM, Courtwright, JL, Snyder, MN, Hockman-Wert, DP, and WC Saunders. 2023. Wadeable stream habitat data integrated from multiple monitoring programs for the US from 2000-2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Scully, RA, Heaston, ED, and EK Dlabola. 2023. Stream Habitat Metrics Integration Data Exchange Standard (SHMI-DES): U.S. Geological Survey software release.

Dlabola, EK. 2023. Seismic profiles, diatom and microfossil assemblages, and radiocarbon ages for constructing a post-glacial sea level curve from Fiordland, New Zealand ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.

Dlabola, EK. 2022. Bird-window collisions at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC from 1990–2021, ArcGIS Online data,

Hagar, JC and EK Dlabola. 2022. Mesocarnivore Survey of Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve, Klamath Network, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hagar, JC and EK Dlabola. 2021. Mesocarnivore Survey of Crater Lake National Park, 2016, U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hagar, JC and EK Dlabola. 2021. Mesocarnivore Survey of Lassen Volcanic National Park, 2017-2018, U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hagar, J.C. and EK Dlabola. 2021. Mesocarnivore Survey of Lava Beds National Monument, 2018, U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hagar, JC and EK Dlabola. 2021. Mesocarnivore Survey of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, 2018-2019, U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Scully, RA, Dlabola, EK, Bayer, JM, Heaston, E, Courtwright, JL, Snyder, MN, Hockman-Wert, D, Saunders, WC, Blocksom, K, Hirsch, C, Miller, S, and B Roper. Data Exchange Standard for Wadeable Stream Habitat Monitoring Data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods Report Series, in prep

Elliott-Smith, E, Dlabola, EK, Anderson, A, Bidwell, M, Hofer, C, and G Sandoval. Data from the 2016 International Piping Plover Breeding Census: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series, in prep

Bayer, JM, Scully, RA, Dlabola, EK, Courtwright, JL, Hirsch, CL, Hockman-Wert, D, Miller, SW, Roper, BB, Saunders, WC, and MN Snyder. 2023. Sharing FAIR monitoring program data improves discoverability and reuse. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 1141.

Hiemstra, MA, Dlabola, EK and EL O’Brien. 2020. Factors influencing bird-window collisions in Victoria, British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist, 10(1).

Barnes, PM, Pickrill, RA, Bostock, HC, Dlabola, EK, Gorman, AR, and GS Wilson. 2016. Relict pro-glacial deltas in Bradshaw and George Sounds, Fiordland, New Zealand. (903) in: Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46.

Dlabola. EK, Wilson, GS, Gorman, AR, Riesselman, CR, and CM Moy. 2015. A post-glacial sea-level curve from Fiordland, New Zealand. Global and Planetary Change, 131, 101-114.

Dlabola, EK. 2014. A post-glacial relative sea-level curve for Fiordland, New Zealand (Master’s thesis). University of Otago.


Dlabola, EK, Scully, RA, and JM Bayer. Nov 2022. Data exchange standard for integrating stream habitat data from multiple monitoring programs. Presentation at the Emerging Technologies Information Sessions, Hood River, OR, USA.

Dlabola, EK, Wilson, GS, and AR Gorman. Oct 2014. Tracking post-glacial sea level rise in Fiordland, New Zealand using seismic surveys and sediment cores. Poster presented at Geological Society of America annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada. access poster pdf

Dlabola, EK, Wilson, GS, and AR Gorman. Apr 2014. Paleo-environments and post-glacial sea level rise in Fiordland. Presentation given for the University of Otago Marine Science department seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand. access slides pdf

Dlabola, EK, Wilson, GS, and AR Gorman. Oct 2012. Sea level rise from the late-glacial through Holocene in Fiordland, New Zealand. Poster presented at the PALSEA2 meeting, Rome, Italy. access poster pdf